If a simple seed gets just what it needs,

Then a redwood tree can grow,
Up to a hundred feet for the world to see,
And endure the sleet and the snow.

But if my whole life,
Was wrapped in price,
I wonder what the tag would show.
‘Cuz every time I’m close to the Holy Ghost,
I always seem to let her go.

-The Classic Crime

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A part of me knows I am also an outsider, I KNOW I will never understand what struggles gay mormons go through- or the struggles all homosexuals go through. But I deeply love a gay mormon and I hurt and cry with him and for him- for everyone and especially for the Church.

When I converted eight years ago the doctrine on homosexuality was the only doctrine I had difficulty with- I tried to sweep my concern and disagreement under the rug and just focus on the strong testimony I had in the truth of the Gospel. Now, it's a central issue in my connection to the Church.


Abelard Enigma said...

I must say I'm a little sad I've received no comments

It's Christmas and people are occupied with other things. Traffic on my blog has slowed to a crawl this week.

But, I've added you to my list of "friends of the family" on my blog.

btw, I too am a convert to the church.

Scott said...

Abe's right. Christmas has kept me away from blogs--I haven't read or commented nearly as much as I usually do.

On top of that, it takes a while to build up an audience. I know how you're feeling--I felt unloved and unlistened to for the first few weeks that I was blogging because I wasn't getting as many comments as I expected, but eventually my blog became more "known" and the comments became more frequent.

One thing that helps is making yourself known on other blogs. Become an active participant on as many blogs as you can handle, and comment whenever you feel like you have something to say. A lot of people will click through your profile to your blog and start reading; some of them will add you to their feed readers and become regular readers; some of them will become regular commenters.

I appreciate your observations, and even though I haven't specifically said so before now, I have learned from your posts. Keep it up! :)

Chase said...

Being a member of the church and wanting understand that the church's current stance on homosexuality is already very helpful. What kills me is how many dont spend anytime thinking about it, they merely dismiss homosexuals as people unable to live "God's" commandments. I appreciate your concern and your desire to understand and help. Thank you.